Friday, 8 February 2008


A very nice thing happened this morning.

A while ago I entered a writing competition in the fabulous 'Wannabe a Writer' book written by the fantastic Jane Wenham Jones and have been stalking the website regularly for news of the results.

Good news - I made the long list!!

I've never entered my writing into anything (besides the bin) before so this was a shock to say the least. I was actually shaking for about half an hour after I saw my name! :-)

Do you know what? It would be lovely to go further in the contest, but I'm just so chuffed that someone other than my family has verified that my writing isn't totally unfortunate!

Anyways, would like to wish the rest of the long- listers good luck! Fingers crossed!


Unknown said...

Hopefully this message will reach you - I left a message on my own blog. Think I need lessons on blogging. Just a note to say I think it's fab you were short listed - and you never know, it may lead to publication of your first book written. The article is for Petstreet - it's a start. How did you get the web links actually in with your blog write ups? Have a good weekend- Im off to open a bottle of wine : 0 )

PrincessPolly said...

This line had me laughing out loud - "I've never entered my writing into anything (besides the bin)". Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! I feel you on the validation factors. I have so many ideas for novels, but the fear of being a bad writer makes me not want to write at all. So good for you, for taking a shot.

Kirsty Novelicious said...

Thanks so much for the congrats, fingers crossed eh!

Lane Mathias said...

Congratulations Kirsty. That's brilliant news.

If you're around on Sunday morning, join us in the chatroom thing.
Some of us meet up on a blog too where we can post bits and pieces each week. It's called Cloud-Line(there's a link on my sidebar).
Come and join us . It would be lovely to see you:-)