Sunday 27 July 2008

Apologies, Pills and Plans of Escape...


I am very rude and selfish. Apologies for my lack of comment replies to the lovely people who even read my blog, and always welcome me back when I go missing.
Things are a lookin' up and I'm feeling much better than I have done over the past few months, therefore I expect normal, polite Kirsty blogging has been resumed.
Again, apologies - am I forgiven?!

About two weeks ago the doc gave me some pills to eradicate the moodiness within me. I've tried a few before, but they tend to make my brain itch and I never keep them up for long.
Anyways, these pills are known as off-label, which means they're made to treat one condition and by chance are found to help other ones.
I lasted a week.
After taking them for three days I realised I was having trouble thinking clearly - I felt dopey, and slow. On day four I forgot my mums telephone number. On day five I (belatedly) decided to look up the side effects and found that these pills the doctor (who knows I'm a writer) gave me caused significant slowing of cognitive functioning - with the most prevalent manifestation being an inability to 'find the right word'!!
Not so good when you're trying to write a book eh?
So I stopped pronto, and as the fog lifted I realised that I should stop feeling sorry for myself - I have my mind!

Plans of Escape

So I'm going away on Wednesday, (hopefully for about three months) to a little fishing village on a Greek island in the middle of the Aegean Sea!
E's mum has kindly let us stay at her house (which, by the way, is on the beach!) so that I can write and he can paint for the whole summer.
E's already over there and says it's the perfect place to be creative. My aim is to finish the first draft of my novel, clear my head and eat plump, juicy olives to my hearts content. Are you very jealous?
I'll still be blogging over there as Patitiri (the village next to us) has free WiFi and a man has given us a little boat so that we can sail over there in ten minutes.

Before I go I want to wish a huge congratulations to the lovely
Roland and his Tina on the birth of their adorable little boy Martin.

I'm off now to update my ipod...


Roland Hulme said...

Awww! Thank you Kirsty!

I hope you have a GREAT time in Greece and clear your head. We used to go to Corfu when I was a kid and I loved it - have very happy memories.

Karen said...

Wow, that sounds very Mamma Mia! Have a wonderful (creative) time, and come back refreshed :o)

Lindsey said...

It sounds absolutely LOVELY.